Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture - Allen Ginsberg


What happened at the AIS.

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What happened at the AIS.

I like to see it. Today I'd like to talk with you by the ad giant's mobile phone, a bit. Previously, I would like to take this issue to talk. However, if you have seen this ad before I can raise a lot of talk about it. What I will tell you who it is. I think this ad AIS is rather strange in the eyes of my ads that I'm going to mention is that your AIS in my Friend.

It is based round the protagonist of the story is a cartoon character, which I think it looks more like a doll in my mind that name. The story begins at 7 am, half his mind jumped back up. Then we'll see you at ease with everyone in every other country is going to work or even whether it is a waste.

I think it shows signs that he will go with me, whether we want or what point of the ad is in the music section of the Theme of the ad as well. News and assured me that it is very appealing to me.


What I was surprised most of the advertising is. Key Message is a sentence that is your own. "Your side" This is very strange for such industry giants of the past position of the AIS AIS because there is no way I will be right there beside us. I would say to play the game I would not say that AIS is not always right beside the people ^ ^ So, how well will it make me like Dtac is something very unnatural quite the AIS. try to show time, it is to act as a Premium, we feel superior to the time of Dtac be the ones that will stay with us to create more intimacy with us.

This ad is a significant aspect of the strategy is to it. Because it was trying to prove something Dtac done a thing to do. And actions of the AIS is to change yourself completely, like it.

Although these advertisements combined with music it makes me out to see how it was based. But what I first saw this ad is. But I assume. This is the new ad Dtac so I thought if I took the last symbol of Dtac together is likely to be compatible, but it is not bad.

What I will say is that the Mood and Tone of the ads are too similar ads Dtac And there will be a waste of AIS is being considered. Finally, I need to Position of competitors to imitate.

Another bad thing is that the colors of the sky. The blue of my mind that I absolutely should not use this color. The AIS logo is blue, it's true. But the colors blue and green makes me think it would be more Dtac One2Call In fact, when the AIS is the yellow color is in the advertised post.

Overall, even though it was advertised made it look cute. But I think that good advertising should not be vulnerable to this aspect of the AIS Branding homework to be turned down so that people believe this is the Mood and Tone of the AIS.

But what I think, more importantly, the AIS will have to work very hard for me to make everyone believe he is right beside it because the past, many people still doubt the Promotion of AIS many. but that Come to this side (the people) you are really waiting for this battle to stay in touch here. I was happy to see the ads here.